Dolby Atmos Binaural


For the first time on RTP Palco, 4/4 - Chunky Move comes with immersive Dolby Atmos Binaural sound. This technology recreates a three-dimensional sound space optimised for headphones, allowing the audience to feel the depth and dynamics of the show as if they were on stage.

Created by Antony Hamilton, this work is a model of choreographic precision and physical endurance, in which eight dancers explore the limits of movement in a rigorous structure inspired by repetition and transformation. From krump to hip-hop, house and contemporary dance, the performers defy gravity and the perception of space, while quartets and duos converge and diverge in increasingly hypnotic compositions. A contemporary dance performance that defies genres and conventions, now with a sound experience that transforms the way we live.

Available for free on RTP Palco, the digital platform dedicated to the performing arts.

(texts taken from RTP Palco's instagram, for dissemination and sharing purposes only)


Pela primeira vez na RTP Palco, 4/4 - Chunky Move chega com som imersivo em Dolby Atmos Binaural. Esta tecnologia recria um espaço sonoro tridimensional otimizado para fones de ouvido, permitindo que o público sinta a profundidade e a dinâmica do espetáculo como se estivesse no próprio palco.

Created by Antony Hamilton, this work is a model of choreographic precision and physical endurance, in which eight dancers explore the limits of movement in a rigorous structure inspired by repetition and transformation. From krump to hip-hop, house and contemporary dance, the performers defy gravity and the perception of space, while quartets and duos converge and diverge in increasingly hypnotic compositions. A contemporary dance performance that defies genres and conventions, now with a sound experience that transforms the way we live.

Available for free on RTP Palco, the digital platform dedicated to the performing arts.

(textos retirado do instagram da RTP Palco, apenas com o intuito de divulgação e partilha)
